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Year 5 Homework

Big Sing 2022

On the 16th June, Year 5 are off to the Big Sing in Worcester. To access the songs and words to practise - please copy and paste the link below.,is%20from%201%20%2D%202.15pm.

If you would like an egg-stra challenge this Easter, why not have a go out the Year 5 Reading Challenge. Can you complete all 6 challenges?

Year 5 February Homework Tasks and House Competition 


We are really looking forward to sharing our..


(Details also on TEAMS) 


Anglo Saxon Houses on Friday 11th March 


(Please scroll down the page for more details) 




Cook a dish inspired by our Westacre Values to earn points for your house. ENTRIES to be submitted by Friday 4th March. 


(Details are also on TEAMS) 

World Book Day Make A Lolly Stick Book Character

Enter the D.T. Values House Cooking Competition

New due date Friday 11th March

Creative Curriculum Homework for October 18th

English Homework:


Each week, you are expected to read for at least ten minutes 5 times at home. There is a space in your Learning Journal where you record what you have read, ready for it to be signed by adult at home. Every week, your TA will check your Learning Journal and keep a record of how many times you have read. 



Spelling lists will be handed out to each group, and tested on the day allocated by the class teacher. Practising little and often is the best way to learn your spellings. Work towards achieving 10 out of 10 every week. 


Maths Homework:

Times Tables:

Every week, you will be asked to practise your times tables on TTRS. You will receive a login that will be recorded in your learning journal. As well as daily practice, there will be regular battles set between classes and houses.  Aim for 10 minutes 5 times a week. 


Creative Curriculum Homework:

You will be able to choose two tasks to complete each term based on our termly topics.  

Autumn- Explorers

Spring- Detectives

Summer -Tourists
