Why learn Geography?
We live in a world of amazing beauty, infinite complexity and rigorous challenge. Geography is the subject which opens the door to this dynamic world and prepares each one of us for the role of global citizen in the 21st century. Through studying geography, people of all ages begin to appreciate how places and landscapes are formed, how people and environments interact, what consequences arise from our everyday decisions, and what a diverse range of cultures and societies exist and interconnect. Geography is a subject which builds on young people’s own experiences, helping them to formulate questions, develop their intellectual skills and find answers to issues affecting their lives. It introduces them to distinctive investigative tools such as maps, fieldwork and the use of powerful digital communication technologies. It opens their eyes to the beauty and wonder around them and acts as a source of inspiration and creativity. More than this, it ensures that they appreciate the complexity of attitudes and values which shape the way we use and misuse the environment. Through geography, people learn to value and care for the planet and all its inhabitants.
Please see the document below for more information about our curriculum intent for Geography:
Please see the document below for more information about how we support the needs of all learners in Geography:
Please see the document below for more information about the 'subject traits' we have planned in Geography that we aim for all our children to leave Westacre being able to do:
In Humanities, year 7 are concluding the year taking part in geography field work to answer the question “What geography is there in the school environment?”
They have looked around the school to try and design a route that shows the most geographical features, they will then be drawing maps and field sketches to record their work.