100 Club Celebration
Around 150 pupils from across all year groups and classes earned a very special treat for lunch - Domino's Pizza! This was to celebrate achieving a place in this year's 100 Club, which can be done in one of two ways:
- receiving 100 merits for independent learning (Platinum award)
- achieving 100% attendance over the year
Both of these are impressive achievements, for which the children were rightly proud. They thoroughly enjoyed the food provided and the time spent together. Well done to each and every pupil! Thank you also to Domino's Droitwich for supporting this event!
Bronte House Celebrate
As we approach the end of Summer term, it is time for the special reward to all of the children in the house that earned the most house points. All pupils can earn house points for their particular house by earning certificates linked to our 6Rs Learning Values, as well as through participation in our various house competitions. This term’s winning house is Bronte. The children and staff in this house showed much effort in incorporating as much red into their clothes as part of a special non-uniform day! Well done to all of Bronte house for the achievement this term, as well as all of the pupils in the other houses who offered their congratulations on this day of celebration!
Sports Day
The results of Year 5's Sports Day are in! Final house positions are:
1st - Turing
2nd - Bannister
3rd - Attenborough
4th - Bronte
Congratulations to Turing who receive an additional 100 house points! Well done to all of the children for taking part so well! Thank you to all of the parents who came along to support the children!
The results of Year 6's Sports Day are in! Final house positions are:
1st - Bannister
2nd - Turing
3rd - Attenborough
4th - Bronte
Congratulations to Bannister who receive an additional 100 house points! Well done to all of the children for taking part so well! Thank you to all of the parents who came along to support the children!
The results of Year 7's Sports Day are in! Final house positions are:
1st - Bannister
2nd - Turing
3rd - Attenborough
4th - Bronte
Congratulations to Bannister who receive an additional 100 house points! Well done to all of the children for taking part so well! Thank you to all of the parents who came along to support the children!
Father's Day Breakfasts
It was lovely to see so many Dads (and other family members) come into school for our Father's Day Breakfasts! As well as a nice bacon roll to start the day off with, the visitors had chance to spend time with their child playing games in the hall and using some of our PE equipment down by the Muga!
Turing House Celebrate
As we approach the end of Spring term, it is time for the special reward to all of the children in the house that earned the most house points. All pupils can earn house points for their particular house by earning certificates linked to our 6Rs Learning Values, as well as through participation in our various house competitions. This term’s winning house is Turing. The children and staff in this house showed much effort in incorporating as much yellow into their clothes as part of a special non-uniform day! Well done to all of Turing house for the achievement this term, as well as all of the pupils in the other houses who offered their congratulations on this day of celebration!
Attendance Reward
This term's attendance reward took place in the hall, with all children with 100% attendance for the term being treated to cake and drink. Well done to everyone involved!
Homework Reward
Each term we reward those children who have successfully met our homework expectations. All of the children who completed their Maths and Spelling homework throughout the term were invited to a special celebration, where they got to enjoy some hot chocolate and games! In addition, children who have achieved all three of their Accelerated Reader targets this term too part! We look forward to repeating the same event at the end of next term.
World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March
To celebrate World Book Day, we walked down to WHSmith to spend our World Book Day tokens and took some time to enjoy reading our books together. Back at school, pupils played some oracy games, which enabled them to explore different aspects of speaking and listening: taking turns, making eye contact, using gestures and expression, and choosing their words carefully. Pupils were also set the challenge of presenting a 30-second, reading-related speech - they were given some examples to read, or they could create their own. It was only voices which were recorded, so children had to focus on their tone, pace and expression - they were very reflective and could explain which skills they'd improved, and which ones they still needed to work on. Amazing!
Children's Mental Health Week
As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we have organised a range of activities alongside the Wellbeing Champions and Healthy School Ambassadors. The event is organised by Place2Be, who are promoting the theme of connect and how connecting with others can help with mental health and wellbeing.
Throughout the week, Westacre pupils have taken part in different events to help them connect positively with each other. The Connect with kindness activity involved children writing a kind comment about the child standing in front of them after break time while the Connect Bingo task gave the children chance to find others who shared the same interests and talents. Also, our daily Just Dance session came out to the playground - flashmob style! Healthy School ambassadors led the way and lots of children joined in! The Positive Paperchain activity involved children writing or drawing something positive around how they like to connect. Finally, a bit of whole school Karaoke gave everyone the chance to join in with a well-known song that everyone will know!
Attenborough House Celebrate
As we approach the end of Autumn term, it is time for the special reward to all of the children in the house that earned the most house points. All pupils can earn house points for their particular house by earning certificates linked to our 6Rs Learning Values, as well as through participation in our various house competitions. This term’s winning house is Attenborough. The children and staff in this house showed much effort in incorporating as much green into their clothes as part of a special non-uniform day! Well done to all of Attenborough house for the achievement this term, as well as all of the pupils in the other houses who offered their congratulations on this day of celebration!
Christmas Lunch
During Christmas Jumper Day, children enjoyed a special Christmas Lunch in the school hall. As well as a delicious lunch, the children enjoyed dancing and singing along to some festive Music alongside their teachers! The festive spirit has definitely reached Westacre Middle School!
Homework Reward
Each term we reward those children who have successfully met our homework expectations. All of the children who completed their Maths and Spelling homework throughout the term were invited to a special celebration, where they got to enjoy some hot chocolate and games! In addition, children who have achieved all three of their Accelerated Reader targets this term enjoyed a doughnut and drink in the library, while getting first sight of new books that will be availalble in the library from January! We look forward to repeating the same events at the end of next term.
Whole School Theatre Trip
For this year's annual whole school theatre trip, staff and pupils from all year groups made the journey to The Birmingham Repertory Theatre to watch a production of Nativity! The Musical. Everyone had a wonderful time with many staff members and pupils suggesting it had been the best show we've ever seen during our many visits to the Rep! Please have a look at the photos below and the video of the children enjoying time together before the show even began!
Tea with Mrs E
Congratulations to the children selected by their class teacher to be involved in this term’s Tea with Mrs E - an afternoon tea treat in recognition of their outstanding commitment to life at Westacre! The children enjoyed the food and drink on offer, and also enjoyed playing games with Mrs Evans!
Primary STEM Challenge
Over thirty of our most able mathematicians and scientists in Years 5 & 6 took part in this year's Stemworks Primary STEM Challenge. This involved the children working together in pairs to design and create their own robotic arm model before then presenting to the rest of the group about how they felt that had met all of the design criteria. Sarah from Stemworks commented on how impressed she was with the children's reasoning and problem solving! In the end, she chose Cameron and Lachlan from Year 6 as the overall winning pair - the boys will go on to represent Westacre in a Worcestershire STEM event later in the school year. Well done to every single pupil for their achievements with this challenge!
For Remembrance Day this year, our whole school community came together outside to hold a minute's silence to remember all of the sacrifices made in past conflicts. We also displayed the medals children in all classes had made during the week to remember fallen soldiers from the local area, and took part in a Poppy Run to raise more money for the British legion. On Remembrance Sunday itself, Head Boy Alfie and Head Girl Emily joined Mrs Evans to lay a Westacre wreath in the Droitwich Remembrance service.
MP Visit
As part of the build-up to UK Parliament Week, we were really pleased to welcome our local MP Nigel Huddleston into school. He was initially welcomed to school by our Head Boy Alfie and Head Girl Emily, before meeting all of our Westacre Parliament MPs. Nigel then took part in a special whole school assembly, where he answered lots of questions from the Westacre MPs. The questions were written by the children in each class and gave us all a useful insight into Nigel's past and his current role in politics.
Macmillan Cake Sale
For our first cake sale of the year, we raised money for Macmillan Cancer Support. After an amazing response from the Westacre community, bringing in hundreds of home made and shop bought cakes, we raised over £400 for this very worthy cause!
Head Boy and Girl
Here are Head Boy Alfie and Head Girl Emily. They have been chosen to take on these vitally important roles for the 2022/23 school year. They will work alongside the other pupil-elected MPs in the Westacre Pariliament but will also work closely with Mrs Evans, Mrs Doolin and Mr Barber in making important decisions about school life. Well done Emily and Alfie for your appointment - we are sure you will be amazing role models this year!