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Survival Week

Year Six Heart Day


Today, year six have all taken part in Heart Day. We have taken part in a heart dissection and learnt about lab safety using scalpels and probes, then used the heart diagram to identify the real life parts of the lamb’s heart.


We’ve also listened to the start of Pig Heart Boy and considered the delicate balance between nature and science with heart transplants. 

In Computing, we researched the work of Christian Barnard and Wilson Greatbatch, two pioneers of heart science development. 

We’ve all learnt so much today- bringing science to life!

Day Two


Crafting making God’s eyes

Map making

Today it’s Team One’s turn to make maps of their campsite.

Day One

Map making


A key survival skill is to make a map of your surroundings, so you know where the key features are. After viewing some sketch maps, and discussing a key and birds-eye views, the tribes are now creating sketch maps of their area. 

Tribe names and flags 


Tribe 1 have now split, one half is doing forest school, and the others have worked on a camp identity,  coming  up with a tribe name- TEAM TREES. They are looking at flags and identities related to a group. They’ve designed flags to go around camp to clearly show it’s their camp! 


The tribes in team 2 have been applying their map reading skills and orienteering to find the markers around the school.


Year 6 Survival week has started…

The children have been split into 4 “tribes” in the two classrooms. Each tribe is following a slightly different timetable during the next two days to allow time in Forest School.

Our first task has been to pitch a tent for our base….with mixed success! We followed a video first to help us get some ideas of the procedure, and then tried it for ourselves! 
Well done to all the tribes who pitched their tents!
