Miss Kelly has prepared an overview of our year together, and we’ve enjoyed being in the hall together to take part in a Kahoot quiz!
In art, we are looking at portraits and how they are an image that survives. Year 6 are using a multi layered effect to create their own portraits, using acetate, permanent pen and oil pastels. They are creating backgrounds that reflect their aspirations for their futures.
Today ( 24 hours early!) we are celebrating Bastille Day in year 6. We have a range of activities for the children to rotate through.
In history, they have collected facts about the revolution. Some lovely work from 6MK today
Children have also looked at the culture and factual information for France. They made brochures or posters to advertise travel to France.
This week, our Year 6's have all been out on our fieldwork trip (or will have been). We have been testing the speed of the river flow and depth to find out where the river flows the fastest. Children have been in the river to measure, using specialist equipment, and creating drawings from what they have seen!