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Home Page Westacre Middle School

Year 5 Homework

Summer Term Homework- Due Friday 12th July

Spring homework is due on Monday 18th March. You should choose 2 pieces to complete.

CC Homework based around our current focus of The Maya is due in on 15th December. 

You should choose 2 pieces of work to submit. 

If you need help with completing the work, please speak to your teacher before the homework is due, and they will be able to give you some resources.

We look forward to seeing some fantastic pieces of work!

Core Curriculum Homework


Reading: 4 times a week, preferably reading aloud or discussing a book for around 10 minutes

Spellings: Spelling Frame practise each week earning 1000 points

Maths: Online Maths practise each week (including TTRS & MyMaths)


Wider Curriculum Homework

CC: This is topic based homework, once every half term with options in all subjects across the curriculum


In addition to the above recommendations, there might be times when extra homework opportunities are provided, and subject-based house competitions throughout the school year will provide opportunities for children across all year groups to complete further homework across the curriculum.


It is our intention, and good practice, not to send work home that the child cannot already do i.e. parents are not expected to teach new skills. There should be a clear explanation / reminder from the teacher of what is expected.


The tasks set will not always need to be handed back; there are other ways in which teachers will respond or give feedback, for example, sharing results in class / year group discussions, putting work onto a display or transferring work into class books.


For families that wish for additional learning activities at home, we signpost parents to the homework section of our school website, which contains a range of other home learning opportunities.


It is our policy not to give homework over school holidays.


If parents take holiday during term-time, something we actively discourage, parents may not request work from the teacher.
