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In year 5 this week we have been designing and making boats, testing how streamline they are.

In year 7 we have been creating the most fabulous plant cell models- displaying labels to show each scientific part.

Year 6 learning about reversible and irreversible changes

Year 6 during survival week had fun learning how to filter water

Year 7 exploring which white powder was present at the crime scene using their detective skills

in science today our year 7 children have been exploring the process of distillation to purify a liquid and identify the mystery substance present in the orange juice.

Our year 5 children have been measuring air resistance by testing their home-made parachutes.

Year 7 have been busy using their detective skills to solve the mystery of the missing painting. The technique of chromatography was used to test the evidence found at the crime scene.

Year 7 Westacre Science Council

Our Year 7 Science Council has been announced. The lucky 16 members have just begun looking at the fabulous new Science books this week ready to begin our reviews after Christmas. 

Well done to every member of our new Science Council:


Beau 7FH

Caitlin 7FH


Harvey 7RA

Lara 7RA

Mia Rose 7RA


Izzy S 7BB

Charlie 7BB

Maddison 7BB

Talia 7BB


Chayce 7AU

Chloe 7AU

Lilly 7AU


Bayden 7LC

Erin 7LC

Ava B 7LC

Bella 7LC


We have been learning all about the digestive system in science this week and have had lots of fun creating clay models of our own lower jaw and individual teeth.

Year 6 have had a fantastic time in Science learning about filtration and the importance of clean water.

Science Council have been inspired by this amazing book and are looking forward to sharing this with the rest of the school during International Day of Women and Girls in Science

In year 6 we have been using our inquiry skills to learn more about how to make a periscope. The children have had lots of fun making their own periscope and have even used them to investigate around the our school. 

Year 7 have been very busy this term practising safety in the lab and using their detective skills to analyse forensic evidence. 

They used the process of distillation to separate two liquids and predicted that there was ethanol contained within the mixture. 

Our year 6 children have had a fantastic time dissecting lambs hearts as part of their circulatory topic in Science this term

Our year 7 children have produced some fantastic cell models using mixed media.

Year 6 have had an exciting two days with a surprise visit from London Zoo! Every class was treated to a virtual workshop to support their learning and as a round up of their last topic of Evolution and Inheritance. The Learning co-ordinator at London Zoo spoke to the children about animal adaptations and how these can change over time. 

Each class got opportunity to ask lots of questions and even got chance to see the giraffes in their enclosure, almost like really being there!

Well done year 6, you were responsible and reflected really well on your learning from this term. 


This week is British Science Week!

11th-20th March 2022


This year the theme of British Science Week is 'Growth'. As a school we are going to enter the National poster competition and hopefully win some amazing prizes. 

Your poster can represent growth however you want. It could be a tadpole or butterflies journey to adulthood, how population growth affects our climate or maybe growth mindset. The possibilities are endless. 

So, get your creative hat on and create your fantastic posters by 31st March and hand them into Mrs Bennett.

Don't forget this is also a house competition so you can earn some points for your house too! (Come on Turing)

For more inspiration please check out the British Science Week website.



Learning about teeth, their function and making clay models of our teeth. Summer

Science investigations in Year 6 - looking at the irreversible changes due to heating, burning and mixing. Spring

Science investigations in Year 6 - Investigating how we see colours as part of our Light topic.

Tuesday 7th July


Hello fellow Scientists,


With the summer holidays just a few weeks away, this month i thought rather than share ONE experiment of the month with you, i would share a link to 146 FABULOUS 'Do try at home' experiments!

These experiments are all completed using household items so can be conducted without buying too many new things. 

Marvin and Milo will give you a clear equipment list, method and a cartoon step by step guide to follow. 

Marvin and Milo investigations can be found via a Google search: Marvin and Milo 


I hope you enjoy these Institution Of Physics experiments and I look forwards to seeing pictures of your amazing discoveries. Please send your photographs into the school office and they may just appear on our website. 


Happy investigating!


Mrs Bennett 



Hello fellow Scientists.


With the recent and very exciting launch of the SpaceX shuttle, Mrs Bennett would like to share Junes 'Experiment of the month' with you. Please find the link below detailing how to conduct a space rocket experiment. 

As always, please send any pictures you have to the Westacre office and they may just feature on Twitter or your daily updates page.


Happy investigating!

Mrs Bennett 


This week Mrs Bennett would like to share with you an exciting science investigation that you can conduct at home. Please send you pictures into the school office so that you can have a special mention on the website.

You investigation this month is........


This week the Science Council have been learning about different melting points. They have used this knowledge to make some yummy ice cream!
