A Speech and Language intervention is a specific intervention that is run according to the needs of the child from a Speech and Language assessment which guides our intervention.
Our main groups are children who have receptive and expressive language difficulties and for this we generally use a scheme called “Language for Learning’ which develops these skills. This involves active discussion which stimulates language development, developing thinking and modelling sentence structure. We also use ‘semantic links’ which helps expand vocabulary and makes connections between words. All these interventions are very colourful and visual and we often make our own resources to aid with understanding and learning.
The other groups we run are bespoke interventions usually on an individual basis such as developing specific speech sounds, sometimes strategies for children with hearing difficulties to gain confidence with communication and helping to develop interactive skills to name a few.
The goal of our speech and language intervention is to help children to improve their communication skills so they can enjoy learning, communicate effectively with friends and adults and achieve their full potential.