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Sports Leaders

Sports Leaders


At the start of year 7, the year 7 class teachers selects a team of enthusiastic children to train and become Sports Leaders. The successful applicants take it in turns to run the sports activities at break and lunchtimes and help out at special sporting events throughout the year both within school and at the Worcestershire School Games. 


Our Intent:

•    We aim to make sure that children are physically active each day in our school.
•    We want to act as sporting role models who are confident in making decisions to other children in all year groups.
•    We are working to offer a wide variety of sports opportunities both in our school and our local community.
•    We learn more each day about what makes a good sports leader so that we can continue sports leadership at high school.
•    We lead warm ups and help others with activities in our PE lessons.


As Sports Leaders we….

•    Every day we take equipment out on to the playgrounds and encourage other children to play.

•    Help keep equipment usable such pumping up balls.
•    Tidy the sports cupboard and sports shed so all equipment is easy to find and accessible.

•    Listen to other children on their ideas for different sports we can offer, at lunchtime, after school and during as part of the curriculum.

•    Meet with members of staff to discuss ideas.
•    Help organise and officiate sporting events such as house competitions and sports days.
•    Host sporting events for children in Year 5+6 as well as children from the first schools.




Congratulations to the sports leaders for 2024-2025


7AU - Faith M, Saffron, Millie, Hugh, Lucas, Victoria

7LC - Aidan, Woody, Phoebe, Oscar, Oliver, Harriett

7MB - Emma S, Ruby K, Alfie H, Aaron Y, Charlie S, Ava B

7LP - George, Daisy, Rose, Mason, Lexie, Heath

7LV - India, Rosie, Dylan, Rhia, James, George
