Netball is an exciting, fast and skillful game of fair contest. It is a game in which two teams of seven players each strive to keep or gain possession of the ball.
The team with the ball, through running, jumping, throwing and catching, attempts to move the ball into its goal circle from where a goal may be scored, while the opposing team uses defensive movements and strategies to prevent this and to gain possession. The team with the greater number of goals is the winner of the match.
Come along to netball club to learn how to play and to be part of a team. Will will play against each other and prepare for matches against other schools.
During the summer term, we had another opportunity to play some netball, this time against our neighbors at St Joseph's. Both the year 5 and 6 teams played extremely well in the heat with the matches being very close! Well done.
Well done to the Year 5 Netball Team, who played against a number of different schools. They achieved the Most Improved award for their teamwork and determination, considering they haven’t played together for very long. They finished their last match with a win and looking like a very strong team indeed. Ava was nominated as our Player of the Match by her team mates.
Congratulations to the Year 5 Netball teams who represented school with so much skill and enthusiasm in the district netball competition held here at Westacre! Well done and thank you also to the Year 7 girls who helped with coaching and officiating during the tournament!