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English: communication through group work

This week, we have been working in small groups, focusing on a variety of writing skills, and discussing the writing choices we've been making. By the end of the lesson, we had a selection of good quality sentences, showing the full range of writing skills we're going to be looking at this year.


Maths - communication through games

In Maths, we've been exploring negative numbers through a game. We all became very competitive and got invaluable practice working with negative numbers and understanding how the number line works when negative numbers are involved. 

Third Space Learning

Some children from Year 6 enjoyed extra online maths practice in their first session of online learning using Third Space.  Today, they were developing their ability to identify numbers up to 10 million!



Year 6 have really embraced their Ancient Greek Day!  Thank you to everyone who dressed up, we have some very creatively dressed children (and staff!)


Children are participating in a carousel of activities - food tasting, myths and legends, language, geography and looking at the Olympics. 

Meet the Teacher Afternoon

Year 6 have had a fantastic first whole week in year 6! It has been a busy week getting started with our Ancient Greek topic, welcoming so many parents and adults to 'Meet the Teacher', going to the library to get new AR books and getting back into homework routines. 

We have been reminding ourselves and practising how to log onto TTRS, Spelling Frame, e-books and AR reader so we are ready to achieve our homework targets.



Year 6 Classes

