At Westacre Middle School we recognise the challenges that families face in bringing up children. We recognise school is a partnership between parents and school staff. If you have any concerns we urge you to contact your child's class teacher in the first instance. Please contact the school office and you will be contacted back by the appropriate teacher within 24 hours. There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case, please come and talk to us. Call the office on 01905 772795 and ask to speak to Mrs Karen Brownlee (pastoral lead) Mrs Doolin (Deputy Head) or Mrs Coldrick (SENCO) or ask for a return call.
The Early Help Offer at Westacre Middle School is an approach not just the signposting to a service. Our Early Help Offer means providing support as soon as a problem is identified and finding the bespoke support that can help a child and family. It includes both universal and targeted /specialist services.
Welcome to our parents and carers,
At Westacre, we recognise that sometimes life can be challenging.
Therefore, we provide numerous strategies to help promote the wellbeing of our children.
Our teaching staff work very closely with our pastoral team, to identify any signs or changes in behaviour, that may indicate that support is needed for your child.
Wellbeing is an essential part of the school day at Westacre.
Every morning, the children are welcome into school by our school staff.
Their class teacher then greet the children, as they walk into the classroom, to ensure that the children have a calm enviornment as the school day begins.
After lunch, the whole school engages in wellbeing time, where their class teacher demonstrates calming activities to help regulate the children, after a busy lunch time.
We are very proud that our school has started it’s journey to become a Trauma Informed school , with Mrs Doolin and Mrs Reynolds recently completing their diplomas. This means that we can better support our children to flourish in school, supporting their mental health.
What is Early Help?
Early Help means providing support as soon as a problem arises. This could be at any point in a child's life. Anyone can provide Early Help- you don't need to be an expert or a professional.
Please access the links below for further information
Dear Parents/Carers,
At Westacre Middle School we recognise the challenges that families face in bringing up children.
There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case, please come and talk to us. Call the office on 01905 772795 and ask to speak to Mrs Brownlee (Pastoral Lead) Mrs Doolin (Deputy Head) or Miss Brighton (SENCO) or ask for a return call.
We always want to work with all of our families and we encourage parents/carers to contact us anytime you are worried.
There is lots of support we can offer in school, however, we also work with a lot of local and national organisations that can offer help at home. Attached is our Early help offer. We do know it sometimes can be difficult to find and access the right support so we have put some useful links below. The Starting well partnership is always a good place to start (see link below) We have also categorised some areas of support that you may find easier to access.
The WEST team recently delivered a building resilience in children workshop.
Lots of strategies and ideas were discussed. Please click on the link below for helpful resources and links to websites for more information.