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Home Page Westacre Middle School

Eisteddfod Creative Arts Festival

Parent Showcase


After the success of this year's Eisteddfod Festival, some of the acts involved showcased their talents again during the Parent Showcase event. In front of a different audience, the children yet again thoroughly impressed everyone with their confidence and talent! Below are some photos and videos of the showcase event:

Dance Act - Jessie Year 6

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Musical Instrument Act - Harry Year 5

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Dance Act - Year 7 (Spice Girls!)

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Singing Act - Amina Year 7

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Poetry Act - Lauren Year 7

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Dance Act - Year 7 (Baby Olympics!)

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Singing Act - Lily Year 6

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Drama Act - Year 7

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2024 Eisteddfod Live Finals


On Friday 5th July, we spent the day together as a school watching all of the children perform following their successful auditions. Congratulations go to the following children who were chosen as the winning act in each category:


Dance - Kelsi (Year 5)

Instrument - Harry (Year 5)

Recorded Interview - Grace (Year 5)

Singing - Lily (Year 6)

Free Choice - Genius (Year 6)

Poetry - Lauren (Year 7)

Drama - Josh (Year 7)

Decorate a Cake - Mya (Year 5), George (Year 6) & Ava (Year 7)


Special mentions also to the children who were awarded medals for finishing in 2nd and 3rd place in each category, and well done to every single child who stepped onto the stage to perform in front of around 500 people! You demonstrated so many of our school values and should all be incredibly proud of yourselves!


Congratulations to Charlie and Lauren in Year 7 who were announced as the top scoring boy and girl in school across all of the live and non-live events!


Well done to the one child in each class who was awarded a Spirit of Eisteddfod certificate for their commitment to the festival throughout!


Finally, congratulations to Bannister house who were crowned the House Eisteddfod Champions for 2024!


Scroll down for lots of photos and some videos of our Eisteddfod Live Final event:

Dance Act - Baby Olympics

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Instrument Act - We Are The Champions!

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Singing Act - Elsie Year 5

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Singing Act - Lily Year 6

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Singing Act - Connie Year 5

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Over the past couple of weeks, all of the children have been getting involved in Eisteddfod 2024. They have demonstrated their skills with lovely non-live homework, as well as showing their resilience when auditioning for live events. Children have been able to link all their work to our theme of the Olympics in very creative ways. We are looking forward to watching all this amazing talent next Friday and welcoming parents to attend our showcase on Wednesday 10th July.

Eisteddfod 2024


After this year's launch assembly, the following letter was shared with all parents, giving more detailed information about how this year's Creative Arts Festival will be organised:
