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Home Page Westacre Middle School

Healthy School Ambassadors

Healthy School Ambassador


PE Review

The Healthy Living Ambassadors gathered together in the year groups to discuss things all related to PE. We reviewed what was going well in PE lessons and the different areas they have covered. During their discussions, they also made suggestions for extra-curricular clubs they would like on offer for the Summer term. Some children were able to express some ways in which they could be more supportive and inclusive in their lessons. All feedback was given to teachers.

Football book house competition

We had had an exciting delivery of some new football books. To launch these new books, the Healthy Living Ambassadors have set up a display in the library and are encouraging everyone to try at least one book. When you have read one of these books, please inform your Healthy Living Ambassador and they will write your name in their special book. The house with the most books read will win points. 

New Equipment

The Healthy School Ambassadors were excited to play with their new equipment that they ordered. They hope that all children look after it while they have fun.

First Meeting

The year 5 and 7 Healthy School Ambassadors had the opportunity to meet for the first time. Within this meeting, they discussed the key concerns and roles they would like to cover this year. This included:

* Looking at the menus on offer at the school canteen.

* Planning healthy living events.

* Encouraging children to bring in healthy snacks.

* Design a mascot competition

* Have a smoothie bike

* A health advice centre

* More play equipment

Following this discussion, they had a chat with our lunch providers to share their ideas. They discovered that healthy snacks are on sale each break time. This is something they are now going to promote back in class as well as ideas for themed lunch days. 


This is a new role within school and we are looking for a member from each class to become a Healthy School Ambassador. In our first meeting, we will discuss our vision for the school and how we can support our class to lead a healthy lifestyle both in and out of school.


To be able to fulfil this role, you need to be someone who:

* Will attend meetings at least once a half term, possibly more if needed;

* Is able to discuss and listen to ideas;

* Can share key information back to your class;

* Can develop presentations or carry out surveys;

* Can support their class and encourage others to be healthy.


If this is the job for you then please complete the application for below and hand back into your teacher.

