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Water Challenges

We started the day off with some teamwork challenges involving water.  To begin with, the children were given the scenario of having to transport clean drinking water from a waterfall back to their base camp.  However, they could only use the equipment which they were given (paper and a glue stick).

All of the teams showed wonderful resilience and co-operation and we were all amazed about how much water they could transport in just 90 seconds: our winning team moved a whopping 2750ml!

Some wonderful resilience in action!

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Our winning team!

Still image for this video

For our second challenge, each team now had to make a boat to transport food safely across the river.  The team who could move the most food would be crowned the winners!

We witnessed a whole array of designs for the foil boats.  This resulted in there being a wide range in levels of success!  One group unfortunately managed to build a boat which was sinking before we even added any weight in, whilst our winners boat managed to hold 850g (they certainly weren't going to go hungry that night!).
