Year 6 have embraced their new DT topic, where they will be creating a phone case decorated with artwork inspired by one of our four chosen artists from around the world.
They have been busy measuring and making paper patterns , then pinning and cutting fabric. Today, we have decorated our phone cases using fabric pens ready to tack and sew next week. We have some very imaginative artists in our midsts, and are looking forward to seeing their finished products!
Year six have been exploring the globe today to start their new topic for Spring Term. The classes were escorted to the hall where they were met by their Westacre Airlines “flight crew” and awaited their flights. Each child was given a ticket announcing their flight time and were called ready to board.
They have spent the day immersed in their country- looking at the currency, music, geography and language, while also completing letters to their embassy to request more information.
CC homework sheets have been given out and will be completed as country “teams” to ensure a variety of tasks relating to the country are shared.