In our R & W lesson this week we have been learning about Christians and discussed their views on God.
This week in our CC lessons we have been learning how to locate places in an atlas. The children have found out how to use the index and grid references.
Year 5 have been learning about gravity in science this week. They have been investigating the link between mass and weight.
This week, all of Year 5 have had the opportunity to visit our brand new library. After completing their Star Reading quiz, they were able to take out an Accelerated Reader book. These books will be within a certain range and the children will be able to take a quiz based on these books.
Year 5 have been learning to create sequences in small groups, considering the different levels and ways to move between each balance. Year 5 have had lots of fun doing this and they have worked really well as part of a team!
This week, Year 5 have been writing a diary entry as Sarah Outen, as part of our Explorer topic. The children have been demonstrating their writing skills, discussing the purpose and audience for a diary and applying this to their own work.
Welcome to Westacre
Despite the obvious, unfortunate challenges at the start of the school year, Year 5 have had a really positive start to their term at Westacre. They've impressed us all with the efforts during remote home learning and enjoyed many aspects of school life, including PE lessons on the Muga, daily Just Dance sessions at break time, using the iPads in Maths lessons and are starting to get used to their new timetables.