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Home Page Westacre Middle School

School Clubs

Part of being at school is trying out new things and participating in new opportunities. Why not try one of our after school clubs? It might be something you already enjoy or it might be something completely new. It’s only by giving things a try that we discover new skills we might enjoy or be good at.


Our extra-curricular club offer for the second half of the summer term is as follows:


Monday · Year 5 Cricket, Table Tennis, Art, Rounders and Ultimate Frisbee.

Tuesday · Year 5 Multisports, Basketball, Choir, Lego and Library Club.

Wednesday · Cooking, Wellbeing, Year 6/7 Cricket, Tchoukball and Needlework.

Thursday · Chess, Film, Volleyball and Art.

Friday · Handball, Yoga and Trampolining.


Children from all year groups can sign up for the clubs, which can be done via the SIMs Parent app. Clubs will run from 3pm to 4pm each day.
