After an assembly by Mrs Page explaining the role of the prefect, the children were asked to let their teacher know if they would like to be considered for the role. They also completed application forms on transfer day that were considered. The teachers in Year 7 (together with feedback from their Year 6 teachers) then had the difficult task of choosing 3 prefects per class.
Congratulations to the following children who were selected:
7AU: Beanda, Katie
7LC: Amara, Zara, Billy
7MB: Elisia, Penelope, Alfie W
7LP: Jessica S, Niall, Eva G
7LV: Sophia S, Karima, Mila
Head Boy: Harry
Head Girl: Sophie
Children will still have the opportunity to join the prefect team each term, as class teachers will be adding 1 more child from each class.
Autumn Term Selection:
7AU - Will
7MB - Dominik
7LP - Charlie W
7LC - Lucy M
7LV - Megan
After an assembly by Mrs Page explaining the role of the prefect, the children were asked to let their teacher know if they would like to be considered for the role. The teachers in Year 7 (together with feedback from their Year 6 teachers) then had the difficult task of choosing 3 prefects per class.
Congratulations to the following children who were selected:
7BB: Niamh, Stephen, Riley
7LC: Archie, Lily, Kornelia
7FH: Maci, Thomas, Scarlet
7RA: Harriet, Luka, Rhys
7AU: Noah, Leah, Jessica
Head Boy: Henry
Head Girl: Leila
Children will still have the opportunity to join the prefect team as each term, class teachers will be adding 1 more child from each class.
Additional Prefects for Spring:
Congratulations to the following children who have been chosen as prefects from the Spring Term.
7RA - Lara
7BB - Charlie
7LC - Zach
7AU - Phoebe
7FH - Mia