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Music - composition

Orienteering - Geography

For geography this term, we will be developing our mapwork skills. We began the topic by using a plan view map to find locations around the school. 

With our topic for Summer term being survival, we explored what it might have been like to survive during different historical eras, such as the Shang Dynasty and the Victorians. The classes were split into groups and given equipment from that moment in history and used their oracy presentation skills to share how they would use each item to survive. 

Chronology work in history

To start our new history unit, we recapped our chronological knowledge and sorted timelines, added in extra events, and then explored time intervals to explore how much time separates key moments in history, such as the Stone Age and the Romans. 

Art - introducing our new topic

In our introduction to topic lessons, we use various media (including rubbish) to create pieces of artwork displaying mountains. The rubbish was used to share the message that there is often rubbish left on mountains from hikers, and this pollutes the landscape. 

SATs celebration video!

Still image for this video

Enjoying a brain break after working so hard in SATs

Assembly 16.5.24

A well-deserved rest after the final SATs paper

Pre-SATs breakfast

PSHE - First Aid

As part of our PSHE lessons, we have been learning about first aid, looking at when to call 999, how to use What3Words and trying to put our peers into the recovery position. 

Football - shooting skills

DT - sewing

Science - the circulatory system

In science, we have been exploring the circulatory system and used ourselves as organs, blood vessels and oxygen. This allowed us to demonstrate how the oxygenated blood travels around the body. 

Assembly 2.5.24
