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Home Page Westacre Middle School


Excellent working memory skills are key to helping children become successful learners. Working memory is the ability to store and use information in the short term. Throughout the school day, children are receiving and working with lots of new information. They use their working memory to help them hold information while thinking about the task in hand. This enables them to: work out mental maths problems; read new words; remember lists of instructions and put events into sequence. Working memory affects many aspects of learning, by practising and developing working memory skills, children learn to become more attentive and more confident learners. 
Here at Westacre, we work closely with Worcestershire Speech and Language therapists who offer advice and share resources. Memory interventions are held each week for small groups of children across all years. A variety of interesting and fun activities are used to help children develop visual and auditory memory, offering strategies they can use in everyday life.

