Pupil Premium is a significant amount of funding which is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM). A smaller amount is allocated according to the number of children in service families, and an allocation is made for each student who has been 'Looked After' (in care) for one day or more, is adopted, or has left care under a special guardianship order or a residence order.
For the financial year 2024-25, the PPG that schools receive is:
Your child will be entitled to a PPG if any of the following criteria apply to your current circumstances:
Please contact the school office (office@westacre.worcs.sch.uk) if you have any questions regarding Pupil Premium.
The support put in place for pupils is designed to meet their individual needs. Some support may be temporary; some will stay in place for longer. Interventions will be monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure maximum impact. No single intervention will provide a complete solution to a child's needs. Consequently, our approaches have many elements and are based on the specific and individualised needs of the children within our school community. In making provision for socially disadvantaged students, we recognise that not all our students who are, or have been in receipt of Free School Meals will be socially disadvantaged. Likewise, we recognise that not all students who are socially disadvantaged have been registered for Free School Meals. Wherever possible these children will also benefit from the additional funding for Pupil Premium. This provides the best opportunity for all pupils to succeed.
At Westacre Middle School we connect with out pupils and their families on an individual basis in order to understand their personal circumstances and context. This in turn informs teaching approaches and the whole school emotional wellbeing strategy. Teaching staff work closely with the pastoral and inclusion teams to ensure that families are supported in a co-ordinated manner.
We ensure appropriate provision and teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of our pupils, regardless of background or educational need, and aim to ensure the highest possible academic outcomes for every child.
A robust process and evaluation framework has been implemented, involving all stakeholders. This allows leaders to accurately assess the impact and effectiveness of the Pupil Premium Strategy: changes and adaptations can then be made in a timely manner to ensure overall positive impact.
Research evidence is used to inform decision making. It is used by leaders to challenge assumptions and beliefs, not simply to justify actions taken.
At Westacre our main focus in tackling underperformance of disadvantaged pupils is to ensure that all learners experience high-quality teaching provision to ensure that our children meet or exceed age-related expectations. Teachers have a shared understanding of the components on quality first teaching, specific to the subject they are delivery and the year group. Memorable learning experiences are woven through the curriculum in which all pupils, particularly the disadvantaged, are expected and encouraged to participate.