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This week, we practiced our netball skills and performed our Maya dances.

Year 5 have had an exciting day in the planetarium, learning about the solar system and star constellations. In assembly, we celebrated those who earned certificates. Teddy talked about his moment of the match trophy and Gabriel played the piano for us. 

Today is positive noticing day. We have had some lovely positive things written from parents and careers at home about our children. Thank you and please keep them coming in.

This week we have worn our odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness and differences.

We have been exploring nets of cubes using polydrons.

In MFL, we have been asking the date of our birthdays. Quelle est la date de ton anniversarie?

We have been making poppies out of recycled materials for Remebrance.

In Guided Reading this week, Year 5 have been developing their fluency in their

reading and working hard to read with expression. 


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